Despite ongoing protests against the pro-Russian government in Georgia, we have decided to continue organizing our photo festival KOLGA TBILISI PHOTO. For reasons of protest on our part, this time we will do without state funding, which makes our budgeting even more
difficult, but we still consider it possible to continue our photo festival!
We are still working on the diverse exhibition program, but our photo competition has already started! And the date for the opening and award ceremony has also been
set: May 2, 2025!
A cultural festival with a focus on: Photography, video, film and music with Andro Dadiani, Anushka Chkheidze, Lars Lindemann, KOLGA TBILISI PHOTO, Irakli Kiziria,
Lizi Gogua, Zurab Tsertsvadze, Lizi Gozalishvili and Chaikhana Media.
Curatorial Team: Mariam Mikadze, Teona Gogichaishvili and Philipp Treudt.
Exhibition project within the framework of the KOLGA TBILISI PHOTO Festival 2024
In recent years, Gregor Sailer has focused on the area around the North Pole. Here, too, it is the extreme excesses of human activity that prompted Sailer to travel
to the far north on several occasions to photograph what remains largely hidden.Five
countries border the Arctic Ocean: Denmark (through Greenland), Canada, Norway, Russia, and the United States. Finland, Iceland and Sweden also have territorial areas. The region is populated by
indigenous peoples, albeit very sparsely due to the severely adverse living conditions. Three maritime routes allow a crossing of the Arctic Ocean, depending on the season and the extent of the
ice cover. But the melting of the sea ice is set to create a shorter trade route in the future, the so-called Polar Silk Road, providing access to new raw material deposits (natural gas and oil).
Countries inside and outside the Arctic are already asserting their claims.During a long preparatory phase Gregor Sailer not only researched those locations that were particularly exciting
thematically, geographically and visually, but he also took on the laborious and often tedious task of obtaining the necessary access authorisations. Armed with the requisite permits and at least
25 kg of photographic equipment, Gregor Sailer repeatedly set out on photographic expeditions of several days to military bases, research facilities, ports, and oil and gas production sites. In
Sailer’s photographs, utopia and dystopia are never far apart. For all their sobriety, these calm and concentrated photographs are nonetheless highly charged with content, yet many of these
places seem like launching ramps to nowhere. There are close ties between Arctic
exploration and the early days of photography. When explorers set out to reconnoitre this unknown region of the world during the second half of the 19th century, photographers were always part of
the expedition. Gregor Sailer is therefore following a long photographic tradition. Here, too, he uses a large-format analogue camera that is not reliant on cold-sensitive batteries. With The
Polar Silk Road, Sailer has pulled off a major photographic achievement which, accompanied by essays by experts from various fields, gives us a deep insight into this region, one that is
extremely important both economically and militarily as well as scientifically.
Exhibition View
2024 / NO FENCE - Borderless Neighborhood
Excerpt from my laudatory speech at the opening of the exhibition of photographer Jennifer Zumbusch:
"In times like these, the meaning of the border takes on a different dimension.After years of striving for unification, at least in Europe, in recent years some
countries and people have been looking for separation and demarcation, for a way to distance themselves from others, from their neighbors, from "the foreigners" in general.But man is not an island, and even a country as an island is not just an island. (...)
Jenny and her family have lived in this special compound for several years. She is part of the community and explores the neighborhood, the people and the places
with her loving photographic eye. (...)
In addition to various portraits of the residents of the estate, Jenny captures everyday moments and combines them with impressions of the surroundings, which are
wonderfully composed in terms of color and graphics and invite the viewer to immerse themselves in this special world. (...)
„No Fence“ is a visual ballad to successful neighborhoods, to the closeness of people from different cultures and backgrounds, encouraging us that peaceful
coexistence is possible even in our turbulent times.
2023 / 55 Minutes - Exhibition by FREIFRAUEN Remscheid
Excerpt from the press release:
Our exhibition uses a variety of artistic means to commemorate the "Night of the Bombs in Remscheid" 80 years ago - especially the more than a thousand
victims who lost their lives and the immense devastation that left a lasting mark on the cityscape in the aftermath.
FREIFRAUEN REMSCHEID currently consists of 10 women from different countries and walks of life. Among them are both long-established and newly immigrated Remscheid
women who are between 30 and 75 years old and have different biographies and professional backgrounds. One thing unites them all: a love of art and peace.
The FREIFRAUEN emerged from the Friday art course for women at the Remscheid Music and Art School, which has been led by Teona Gogichaishvili since 2017.
Ms. Gogichaishvili conceived and realized the project "55 Minutes" together with the FREIFRAUEN. The exhibition includes several large-scale canvases: Paintings and
collages, together with a large-format fabric from the time of World War 2, painted with over 1000 abstracted faces - a kind of death masks, representative of the victims of the "night of bombing
in Remscheid" in July 1943, which almost destroyed the entire city in just 55 minutes.
2022 / Hillerbrand+Magsamen, 147 Devices for Integrated Principles
An exhibition project within the framework of Ten by Ten: Ten Reviewers Select Ten Portfolios from the Meeting Place
2020–21 artists
On view: September 26–November 12, 2022
The Silos at Sawyer Yards
1502 Sawyer St., Houston, TX 77007
Hillerbrand+Magsamen’s practice utilizes
collaboration, process and media experimentation through video, photography, installation, sculpture and interdisciplinary performance. They explore their relationships to each other and society
with an uncanny sensibility that merges the real and unreal, blurring boundaries between life and art and often includes their two children, Maddie and Emmett.
Selected by: Teona Gogichaishvili Kolga Tbilisi Photo, Tbilisi, Georgia
About our exhibition "Georgia times differently" in "Bergische Morgenpost" / October 24, 2022
Exhibition project "Georgia times differently" - Two photographers with different focus on the road in Georgia
Mikhail Kurdadze, winner of this year's KOLGA Photography Award in the category "Special Distinction" presents his artistic work entitled:
Another Planet Seems to be Too Close to Me.
Mikheil writes about this work including the following, "As a child, my worst nightmare was that other planets - whether celestial bodies or other, metaphorical
bodies - were too close to me. I could almost feel their presence pressing on my own body...."
The landscapes of Vashlovani, in the Kakheti region of eastern Georgia, seem like they are from another world, reflecting Mikheil's sensations...
The Remscheid photojournalist Gerd Krauskopf approaches Georgia in a very different way - as an experienced traveler and photographer, who portrays the lives of
ordinary people and their lifestyles with love and respect, and brings Georgian culture closer to the German audience in a special way.
Aus Gerd Krauskopfs Fotoserie für die Ausstellung "Georgien mal anders".
Frauenchor "Qalau" in der Küche mit Lili auf der Panduri, einer dreisaitigen Zupfmuschel-Langhalslaute, und Frauen, die bei der Arbeit in der Küche zu alten
georgischen Volksliedern tanzen.
About our KOLGA TBILISI PHOTO 2022 Festival in "Bergische Morgenpost"
How to be/see a Woman - Guided ScreeningA video project by purpur collective:Teona Gogichaishvili,
Antonia Loick and Inga Schneider
Tbilisi History Museum/GE
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purpur collective:Teona
Gogichaishvili, Antonia Loick, Inga Schneider
Within the framework of the Frankfurt Book Fair -
Guest of Honour Georgia 2018
THE FUTURE IS OURS - German and Georgian Positions on Youth Culture with: David Meskhi, Sera Dzneladze, Carmen Catuti,
Isadora Tast, Sandra Stein, Nicola Wilke and Stephan Lucka, Fabian Weiß, Dina Oganova, Giorgi Nebieridze
Curatorial Team: Teona Gogichaishvili & Inga Schneider
Curatorial Team: Olaf Scheller & Teona Gogichaishvili
Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg/DE
Our exhibition uses a variety of artistic means to commemorate
the "Night of the Bombs in Remscheid" 80 years ago - especially the more than a thousand victims who lost their lives and the immense devastation that left a lasting mark on the cityscape in the